The Acronyc Blog Project
Monday, May 17, 2004
Perplex : What's going on with this new layout? Odd indeed.

So, FMT is dead. That's pretty well official. In other news, I saw the strangest thing I've EVER seen while driving today.

There's a truck pulling a trailer, on the trailer? A large, wingless, tailless aeroplane. Slightly beat up, slightly charred.

It was just strange, not strange like a giant squid was attacking it or anything, but a piece of crashed plane just being driven through downtown Richmond.

I think it's about time we started documenting our adventures and stories. Comment with as many as you can remember. I'm too busy to remember right now. I have a term paper to write today, and I was smart and didn't do any of it yet.
Thursday, May 06, 2004
Apathy : I sure missed the boat on that one. I apologize for the pun. Anyway, I didn't go. You probably noticed.

Here's an unofficial, incomplete list of awesome movies in no specific order. Suggest some if you know some good ones. Rule! No really mainstream stuff. No X-men, no Star Wars, stuff that at least some people haven't seen.

No anime. I know everything there is to know about anime out of my head. Someone buy me anime hair goggles.

Pirates of Penzance
Fifth Element
The Saint
Army of Darkness
High Strung
Interview with a Vampire
Boondock Saints
Shawshank Redemption
Princess Bride
The Three Musketeers
Mystery Men
Nightmare Before Christmas
Fight Club
Dr. Strangelove
Clockwork Orange
SLC Punk
The Net

Monday, May 03, 2004
Antagonization : If enough people comment, I'll start posting again. That is all.

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