The Acronyc Blog Project
Friday, November 28, 2003
Alluvion : The tagboard is messed up, comments seem to be busted, and I'm leaving for the weekend.
Whatever will you people do without my glorious and illustrious presence?
Opulence : These are the times of plenty. The land of milk and honey has been found. My MD player automatically labels tracks. I think that it may be greater than the light in the microwave, or the tiny four armed man who warms my socks every morning.
They're making us write grad comments. Mine is better than yours.
Now available wherever fine products are sold. See in store for details, some conditions may apply.While quantities last.
Keep in mind that my name would go over that.
They also wanted a baby picture. Back when I was a baby I was far better at hiding the seething hatred at the core of my being. You can hardly tell. I suppose you'll see if you go to my school, but you may not. Depends on whether or not I gouge your eyes out before then. Or you starve, or something. Personally I'd prefer to see you starve. You could stand to lose a couple pounds anyway.
I ate half a pound of cheese a few minutes ago, I then carved a face into it and put it into the fridge facing out the door. I wonder how my parents will repond when they find my objet d'art. I would have at the other half pound, but there was a face on it...
Before you ask, the cheese was Monterey Jack, and I had crackers, but I neglected to use them.
Thursday, November 27, 2003
Ostentatious : Today I drove a brand new, bright yellow Mustang. Not a high end GT, but still a Mustang. That thing was a piece of shit. The speedometer only went to two hundred, and it accelerated like a not very good at accelerating thing! It had cooling vents on the hood and sides, except they didn't go anywhere, they were sealed off.
Christ, my dads station wagon has way more power. Then again my dad does drive a Volvo V70, and those are mighty indeed. Those who care I drive a '93 BMW 325 IX. It's very nice.
Somehow I managed to sleep until 4pm today, even though I got up and went to first block (of school) this morning.
I also have a strange desire to battle someone in an arena pit. Which brings me to the third question. Who would win in a fight to the death; Me, or justice?
The Holy Ghost. This will be explained later. I made three posts today, and naturally the first one is the lowest. So either read from there, or try and figure it out as you go.
Unreasonable : Yesterday was an interesting day, actually it wasn't. Not for me anyway. For people like you I'm sure it would have been. But people like you are boring.
Yesterday I decided to go to Camo, which is a clothing store downstairs and a paintball store upstairs. But I don't care about the clothing bit. I bought some stuff, I could tell you, but you wouldn't know what I'm talking about. It ended up costing $95, let's just leave it at that.
I talked to the girl behind the counter for probably an hour about paintball. I asked about how the field was going, and she said "We're kind of short of refs, we're looking for good young people with some knowledge in paintball" then she grinned at me, and when I paid for my stuff she gave me her card, and said "You know, in case you want to give us a resume at some point". I'm so in. Unless she was flirting with me, then I'm so in in a different way. But not the one I wanted.
After I left the paintball store I went to a 99c pizza place, and there was a gang in it, and the employees were hiding behind the counter and I think trying to call the cops. I got a slice of pepperoni and sausage. When I went to leave one of the gang members was leaning on the door, which opens outwards. Busy looking thuggish. I indicated I wanted to leave, he just looked at me thuggishly. So I opened the door and he fell out. It was rather satisfying to just sort of step over him.
While waiting for a bus and looking probably annoyed, it is me after all, a cool poor guy walked past and pointed at the floor and said "You dropped your smile." It was pretty corny, but still. It's a nice gesture by a guy who was down on his luck.
So yah, some of the poor people are cool. Like that one, even if it was cool in a pink frosting sort of way.
The second question is... Do you want to play paintball with me some time?
The son.
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
Simulacrum : I'm shocked and appalled. Or possibly flattered, actually I think it's sort of a disconcerted annoyance. On second thought, I don't care at all. But some blogs have sprung up because of me. People let me influence them, it's definitely bad sign for the future of this world. It's already begun.
Ian now has a blog (Midnight Blogger)
Someone named "Magz", who I can only assume is a claw shrimp, who owns an emporium, also credits me (sort of) as a driving force behind the creation of her blog. Magz' Claw Shrimp Emporium
This sucks, now I'm expected to feel obligated to read six blog/xanga/livejournal type things...
Alright bloggers, if I had any influence on your blog, use my "powered by fear" button instead of the default one. It's not hard to do. I've decided not to explain overly well. Look in your template, find the "powered by blogger" bit, and replace the image with mine (found at
This is the first of the holy trinity of posts. The Father if you will. Just because something is connected to me doesn't mean it can't be holy.
The first of the triumvirate of questions is as follows. Is it possible to make a good sandwich that can still fit into the major hole in your head? If you manage to answer all the questions, there's a special prize.
Monday, November 24, 2003
Important tagboard update : Look what it did!
Warning: Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors. Unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 23
Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors. Unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 23
Error 4002: We are experiencing temporary technical difficulties. Please try again later
I'm so proud *sniffle*
Mockery : Hello, I'm the RIAA. Thank you for viewing this digital content. With a copyright owned by me, the RIAA. As you did not pay for it, and acquired it through un-authorized means (You didn't buy it in a store did you? You dirty rat, you downloaded it!) I'm going to take you to court and sue you for $250,000 per view. You cheated my typists out of the money. Because you would have bought a cd with this on it of course.
Retards. Don't they get that what they're doing is the same?
Saturday, November 22, 2003
Acquisition : Today was good. Rife with accomplishment.
I bought something. I like what I bought. I applied to another place. I like where I applied. I microwaved some food. It's pretty tasty.
I went to A&B Sound to buy a new MD player, and I got to be a bad customer. First off, I made them pricematch it for $100 less. Leaving it at a total cost of $125 at that (ha!). Then I was uncompromising. They only had red ones. I didn't want a red one. The discussion went like this.
Counter Guy #1 : Is a red one okay?
Me : No, find a black one. Red isn't acceptable.
CG1 : I think we only have red ones...
CG2 : Naww, we've got one hidden over back there... (Surely foiling CG1s plans)
*CG1 goes to find it*
CG2 : The black one is more stylish.
Me : I'm paying for it, so I damn well better get what I want. It's expensive.
*CG2 chuckles, CG1 comes back*
Me : Besides, the red one looks like shit!
CG2 : I bet you just like black better
Me : Gee, how'd you guess? (I was wearing black pants, a black shirt, and a dark leather jacket at the time)
The thing works great, besides not reading winamp playlists it's everything I'd hoped.
I applied at Sport Chek, I'm neutral towards working there. It smells like idiot. I think that's just the people who work there though. I could fix that.
I had a Hot Dog, because I hadn't had one in at least a year. Now I remember why I hadn't had one in at least a year. Blech.
I've decided one of the greatest creations of man and god alike is the light inside the Microwave. It allows for food preparation in total dark. Providing you can find your microwave, and open the door, so you can see... Either way, it helped me. Though I probably could have done it in total dark anyway.
How do you people type? Do you keep your hands on homerow? I sure don't. I also seem to hit space with my pointer finger on my right hand...
Drevs style typing!
left hand : awef
right hand : nkl;
And the lesson of the day is "When it starts to snow is not the appropriate time to go 'Let's put a new roof on that garden shed'"
Friday, November 21, 2003
Miso shiru is a typical japanese soup which is served with every meal.
This soup is prepared by dissolving miso in dashi*. Then, according to the season, various ingredients (seaweeds, tôfu, mushrooms, onions, vegetables, etc...) are added to the miso's broth.
* Dashi: a stock used in many japanese cooking's recipes. One prepares it by boiling kombu in water. Then, once the seaweed is removed from the stock, one adds dried bonito's pieces (katsuo bushi). One lets the stock boil a few minutes then one strains it to obtain the dashi.
I miss miso soup. I haven't had it in a while.
Thursday, November 20, 2003
Métier : yelling, leaving. I'll edit this into a real post later.
So I've applied for a job at a bunch of places. I don't really want most of them to hire me though. I applied at;
Le Chateau - I want to work here. I like the clothes. I know only gay guys are supposed to work here. I can fake it.
The Gap - Too colourful, smells funny. Apparently you have to buy Gap clothes to wear on the job. I'll only work here if nobody else hires me. Or if it pays really well.
Dex - Dex is okay. The clothes are pretty decent. I don't really care either way about working here.
Futureshop - I love futureshop. I want this job. I won't get this job because I'm not twenty-five.
Winners - Another safety apply. At least the place doesn't smell weird.
Terminator 3 is a very good dvd. I like this movie, it can be a mindless action, or if you watch for plot it has a good story. The outtakes are fun, although for the most part not phenomenal. The Sgt. Candy extra scene is brilliant. Definitely worth watching. If you need something to watch, this is good.
I was discussing fencing tactics with my dad on a drive a few days back, and he wanted to become my coach to train something. He has never fenced, I said it wouldn't be worth anything because he doesn't have the reflexes or ability to stop anything I'd do and I wouldn't learn anything. He got offended, and I said "okay, fine, never mind." and he said "What's okay? It's NOT okay!" and started to get louder. I said "Alright, fine it's not. You want to argue, we'll argue. I only said it's okay because you have a temper problem. Really though I think that you don't know what you're talking about, and I do. I'm the competing athlete, not you! You may have good ideas, but I know why they won't work, and when I try to tell you why, you get pissed. You try them out, if you can beat me with them. Then I'll listen!" I got louder as I went.
He kicked me out of the car.
It was okay, I had rollerblades because I had to rollerblade back from where I was going anyway.
I went to Aarons and we watched Army of Darkness, and Hotshots Part Deux. Somehow Aaron didn't like Army of Darkness.
Since I'm no longer leaving, we've decided to possibly (hopefully) watch some cold war movies tonight, since we have to for History anyway. I want to watch a Bond movie and Dr. Strangeglove. We'll see how that goes. Hopefully well.
Monday, November 17, 2003
Profound : I have to apologize to all those who have been offended by me. I know I often say that I'm brilliant, and a genius. I also know that you usually think "There's smarter" or "I could have thought of that" or even "So what, you've just learned more". And you're right. I'm not the end all philosopher king that I may seem to think of myself as.
But here's the reality of it; there are smarter, but not many. I thought of it, and you didn't, and that's what counts. Yes some of what I know I learned, and didn't deduce on my own. But I still know it, and have incorporated it. You don't know it, and can't use it.
I'm not the penultimate climatic accomplishment of acute intellect. Not by a long shot. I'm only smart compared to you. But you're not even that special. I'm this smart compared to most people.
I'm not an egoist. I'm just a misanthrope and a realist.
Thank you, have a nice day, remembering its insignificance to everyone beyond you.
Saturday, November 15, 2003
Edifice : I've added post specific comments, and moved the tagboard.
Use them damnit! I get lots of visitors, but none of you ingrates say a damned thing!
I'm giving this site a facelift... You might notice some changes in the near future.
Atrocious : Okay, so I got back a long time ago, so what? I'm posting now, and you'll like it damnit.
Anyway, we left for Seattle at about 2 am on Nov 6. About 5 minutes into the trip we forgot half the stuff, so we went, got that, and turned around again. I slept the whole trip, something else may have happened during the drive, I don't know. Getting on the plane was a stressful hassle because my parents like to freak out while they travel. But when we were finally on it.. I went to sleep. The trip was uneventful and boring.
After we arrived we bundled a bunch of fencers into a cab and drove to the hotel. On the way to my room I saw Katy (she's on the left), one of my roomies, and she thought I looked pissed off so she kept me company for a while. Very considerate of her, I think she's mean to everyone but me. I think Katy may be my favourite fencer, don't tell her I said that. She's hilarious, and mischievous, all in all a great person to be around. For those who know the story of the lobster explosion, it was her.
We went out and tried to find a restaurant, but only after watching Army of Darkness, and it turns out in the states the restaurants that stay open late are only open till 9pm. Crazy backward old Christian people. We ate at a place called "White Castle" and I wondered why my burger was 60c or so, and then we got our orders... The "burger" was about eyeball sized. Whatever, back to the room, I forget what we did for a while, you can make your own adventure up for the missing hours here. I ended up sleeping on the couch.
Oh yeah! We re-arranged the room and made it look like a night club with a desk right in front of the door and whatnot. I wish I had pictures of it, it was brilliant. We also had a silly string war, as in Katy attacked us with sill string and we tried to hide from her onslaught. Us being me and Daria Mikita, my other roommate. The adventure you had for the missing hours just became sexual didn't it you pervert? Oh yah, we watched super troopers at some point too...
End of Day 1. Start of Day 2.
I was woken up by Katy and Darias wake up call, they had to fence, I didn't. Despite that they had things to do I was up before them. Katy ended up with all her stuff broken, and frantically fixing, and throwing thread around, and eventually just buying new equipment and using that. At about 1pm Molly and Matt (he's in the middle) came. They're people I've known for quite a while who live down there. Katy may be my favourite fencer, but Molly is my favourite person. I managed to hide right in front of them for a little while before I said hi. It's suprisingly awkward to have someone give you a huge hug for a very long time when your parents are standing right beside you looking at you, and the person hugging you doesn't know they're your parents...
Either way, after some fencing and some purchasing of new fencing shoes, since I had ripped the bottom clean off mine, we went to what we thought was a mall. Turns out it was a tobacco company's offices or somesuch. We got quite a ways up before they stopped us. Matt assures us it was at some point a mall. He was our tour guide.
We ended up at Papa Johns and ate a pizza, double pepperoni of course. We went back to the hotel, then we went out again. We went somewhere called Bardstown or something. For people localized to where I am, think Robson by day, but seedier, and of course small and kind of quaint. No Cookie (She's a person) at this point. Matt dragged us into a music store, I bought spiderman altoids, I wanted to buy a Freud bobble head, but I also kinda didn't want to. I regret not buying it now. Molly dragged us into a hippy store, we fought with an inflated pillow with pictures of shrooms on it. Daria dragged us into a piercing store. I dragged us in the right direction after everyone set off in the wrong way.
After all this we went back to our club/room. We watched Army of Darkness and Quest for th e Holy Grail. Us being Katy, Daria, Matt, Igor, Cookie (Ursula). Did you catch what I did, just there? Katy and Igor hadn't come along for pizza, apparently while we were out Katy hog tied Igor and put him in a closet. After the movies I had to go to bed because I had to fence early the next day. I got a bed since I had to fence.
Day 3.
I got up early, ate breakfast, warmed up, was well prepared, but I was sick, and I wasn't there mentally, suffice to say that I sucked. I'm pissed off about that, I could have gotten a medal, at a world cup no less! But I wouldn't have gotten beyond top 4, that's for sure. I should have made top 8 though. After I lost and marched around pissed off for a while, but then Molly and Matt came with Matt's dad (aka: a ride). So we went to see the Matrix, Katy also came. We played a bunch of video games. I'm good at time crisis. Matrix sucked, but it was also awesome. Story would have been a nice addition. I shouted "Kamehameha!" during one of the scenes (those who have seen it would know which). Oh yah, we ate fish before going to the theater, but this is an insignificant detail. People care about actions, not dialogue! And nothing happened here except we ate fish! The fish was good. I don't remember if we did anything after Matrix.
Me and Katy explored the hotel some more, we found another whole building attached to it, with no lights, and no locks, and we stole a bunch of stuff from it. We stole some room numbers too, and switched a bunch of room numbers around as well. We got to the top of the building and threw a bunch of switches in a server room that was there. I'm sure some company freaked out ans sent technicians. We also found a way onto the ceiling. There was a lighthouse on it! We were outside looking out of a lighthouse that was thirty stories up. It was cold and dirty. When we got back down we tried to find some food, but everything was closed, so we asked the guy behind the counter, and he pointed us to nowhere in particular, so we broke into a few rooms, not peoples rooms, in the other building, and found a break room, and used their vending machines. Watched Office space.
Day 4.
Got up, watched some fencing, Me, Matt, Molly, Matt's dad, and my parents go to lunch at Spaghetti Factory. Had to say bye to Katy. It's too bad she lives in Winnipeg. Parents got along well. Americans don't know how to eat Spaghetti properly. The waitresses refused to take Matt's plate away when he was done, they just ignored it. Michael Jackson brought our food. Well, not quite, the person who brought our food would look exactly like Michael if Michael had more of a tan. Afterwards we were dropped off at a real mall. I went into a Hot Topic, for people who don't know what it is it's like a mainstream Goth/punk store in the states, very strange. I bought a Trigun wall scroll, and a copy of Shadow of the Hegemon because they were both so damned cheap, not from Hot Topic, from a book store.
After I got taken home to hotel and said bye I was kind of bored and went to sleep, but not after watching a bit of Beverly Hills cop.
Day 5.
Headed on home. Bought four different fancy coffees from various Starbuckses.
Mocha Frappucino in one of those little bottles. Pretty good.
Cappucino from Starbucks. Blech, it was like they tried to ruin a good coffee.
Something or other with Caramel. Good.
Vanilla Frappucino from the stand. I couldn't even tell if there was coffee in it, it tasted like white chocolate. It wasn't even brown.
I slept on the drive home too.
There, you asked for it. Was it really worth it to read all that? Didn't think so! Maybe now you've learned your lesson. Damned punks.
Here's a bonus picture, it's not from this trip in particular, but hey. Look, me fencing! Me being Driessen. Duh.
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Exsiccate : Right, I think I forgot to tell anyone. I'm going to a Fencing world cup for a while...
I come back, Iunno.. Monday, or something.
I'll have a story then. Also. I'm not telling you about my trip to Victoria 1-2 weeks ago... Or my evil deal with EB, or my odd realization at Boston Pizza, at least not yet... Because I have to shower and pack, and leave in an hour or uhh... three and a half.
Sunday, November 02, 2003
Halloween. : Less cunning than my usual titles, but aww well. What did I do on Halloween? I can't remember, I had waay too much to drink. Actually I can remember. I remember not drinking too.
When I got home I carved four pumpkins (I didn't have time before), put up webs, some graves, more webs, set up a sound system, and accidentally got some web stuck between my teeth, which, it turns out, is entirely possible.
Later on I went to Ians for movies. Oh, wait, I forgot to tell you what happened at school... First class (History) there was a sub, a very crappy sub. She made us do work and not talk on Halloween. I made her look like an idiot though, and that was fun.
Her : You should do your work.
Me : I'm done.
Her : You should hand in your work
Me : I did, it's right in front of you, on your desk.
Someone else : Go Drevs!
I win. As per usual. When I was dressed as a musketeer, which was a pirate with a musketeer hat and that blue hangy thing with a cross on it, people thought I was a pirate.
When I was a pirate, someone thought I was Indiana Jones. I didn't even have a bloody hat! In biology I decoded some girl language.
Action = I'm going to make a move on someone who was referenced earlier
Why? = What do you see in the person you want to Action?
He's hot = He's hot.
I caught some nodding in my direction, and they thought I couldn't hear them (headphones on doesn't mean I can't hear). I got a lot of looks because my pirate shirt was open to the navel.
Anyway, at Ians we watched three movies, ate some cake, and various other things. Rocky Horror Picture Show, Army of Darkness, and Donnie Darko. Lots of funny stuff happened, but I forget what it is, ask Ian.
I got to say "It's a nice night" like in Hellsing, that was pretty cool.
So, yeah, that was Halloween, and a half-hearted post about it. Only fifty people came to my door this year, that's pathetic. It was a sad, sad Halloween.
Instead of trick-or-treating I bought myself Army of Darkness Vhs ($4), Rune for PC ($3), and Freelancer for PC ($5).