The Acronyc Blog Project
Monday, September 29, 2003
Bewilderment : I'm speechless. I don't know what to make of this I only though people like this existed in fairy tales...
Why would anyone clap?
Connivery : Sunday there was a fencing tournament I visited. I was a blazing incarnate of skill. Nothing could touch me, within reason of course. Then part way through a bout the ref decided cheating would be fun. I would have won, his cheating was madly obvious. Everyone watching new it, he made rules up, disregarded rules, including those he had just made up.
Frankly, I'm very pissed off. Don't overly want to discuss it, because I'll just rant at his idiocy, you can pretend I did. It was a very long, insulting, and amusing rant that you imagined.
The taste of misspent youth is Big League Chew and Wax Bottles. That was decided on the way home.
I ended up in 6th (out of 55).
Saturday, September 27, 2003
Melody : Crap, that sucked. The concert was awful somewhat fierce. Rally Car stole the show, but it would be like stealing a cripples cane, a dead cripple. Who has been cremated, and the cane was placed in your hands. All you'd have to do is not drop it, and they didn't. Rally Car stole the cremated cripples cane pretty well.
Rally Car was the only band where a large amount of people moshed, the only band to get an encore, and they made a guy drink a 2L bottle of coke, and he threw up. But he won a CD. There's nothing quite like careening headlong into a group of people you know, just because you feel like it.
They stamped my hand for re-entry. Everyone else got an "OK" in a circle. I received a tiny image of a fetus thanks to them smearing it a bit when they stamped it (Look at OK sideways, now smudge it around a bit, head, arms, legs). It was slightly unnerving.
Someone threw a shoe at me. I never figured out who, if I had I would have yelled at them. It was hard to do anything else with the terrible screamo blaring away.
Before the concert I spent a lot of time waiting for my ride (more than an hour late). We went to McDonalds. I insisted we cover an already trash-coated table in more trash. Then I had us stack a table atop another. We left. They hadn't noticed.
After the concert (well, after Rally Car, we didn't stay) we went to Boston Pizza. Where I partook in a socialist nacho plate. I asked the waiter if they had any socialist nachos, so that we may spread the cheese covered wealth evenly to all. Before the waiter responded, Ian said something, I forget what probably "I'm ruining your fun. Just regular nachos please." something like that. Also a stolen strawberry daiquiri (a communist one) was sampled and drinking of the bottomless pop I did not purchase. Thereafter, much singing and mockery occurred. Including a rendition of happy birthday for someone whose birthday it was not, (a fallacy I started I might add) to get the waiter to sing. Then we left. Just prior to leaving, in an attempt to get a mint before anyone else, I hit a glass and sent it flying across the table like a rocket out of a rocket tube contraption of some design. Avoided a roadblock, our driver had a wee bit, (very wee) but his car was full of teens, so he didn't want the hassle. Lots of singing and people off-dropping. Now I am here, and I suppose that's a good thing after-a-fashion.
I don't remember anything before school ended. During those rare times that I do sleep, I sleep upon one of those conforming heat-responsive foam pillows now. This might be on the test, so you should make a note of it.
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Conceit : While I was not at school apparently there was a survey circulated wherein people were supposed to say who was funniest, cutest, drives the crappiest car, etc. Seems I won "Most opinionated" nearly unanimously. It's not that I'm opinionated, it's just that I'm always right.
Also, I have my ticket for the concert (Vancouver show). Maybe I'll get some other people to go, but a bunch are already, so maybe I shouldn't bother...
I'm updating because the blog felt lonely, not because I had much to say.
Update : I now have something to say! I have purchased Duck Hunt. The first time I played I got to round 12. I had more, I think some was important, but it was all lost in a flurry of duck hunting.
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Chimera : First off, no not as in Greek mythos. Some things happened during the daylight I can't quite remember. A very cool dream was had, involving a duel atop a snowy plateau overlooking a city of black iron. I don't remember what I was fighting, but I do remember that I was defending someone. Much doodling of the more interesting elements.
*7 hour break for sleep, and a bit of school*
Right, carrying on then, I watched Underworld. It had copious amounts of style, and a plot that would have been far better than most recent movies, had it not been terribly executed. It's a shame really, good have been phenomenal.
I find I know too many people, if I sit down with the intent of having a short chat with someone it ends up lasting an eternity, and furthermore I end up chatting with groups of other people as well. Problematic if you have plans.
Anyone I know who's reading this want to go the Jack Black Battle of the Bands thing? Friday, only $10. I'll be there, and you know I'm better than whatever you have planned!
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
Tribulation : Recently I've been having trouble sleeping. Which was in fact the inspiration for Acronyc. At first it was minor, going to bed at 1am, 2am, that sort of thing. But it has steadily worsened. I rather often don't sleep, and if I do I go to bed at 4am at the earliest. Like tonight I decided that I would go to a friends until 11:30pm. I got home at 2am. I've been sleeping during the day, when I'm not in school. I've been wearing a lot more black, and when I go out during the day sunglasses are required, which along with my long shiny hair provides me shade. I've been eating a lot of meat, bloody raw meat, and have found my love of garlic somewhat reduced. Silver has lost the appeal it once held. I, and you probably also, suspect vampiracy. At first I wasn't too sure, but then when this happened. I began to suspect maybe I wasn't just paranoid.
I haven't had much time to update the blog, I've been very busy with my new hobby. Feasting. BTW those images were captured with my webcam, and once I get it to upload properly it will become a feature of this site.
As far as amusing adventures go. This morning for first class, I and a friend walked in, had a brief discussion, and walked out. The discussion went
Drevs : It's too hot in this room.
Aaron : Yes, yes it is.
Drevs : There's a sub.
Aaron : Yup.
Drevs : Let's leave.
Aaron : Yup.
We spent the period playing Final Fantasy Tactics for GBA. I complained about a cold posterior numerous times. We were seated in a cold place, on cement.
Congratulations Katy on winning the Senior Women's Saber at the surprised Elites. You are now, officially, the best Women's Saberist in Canada. Wow, I'm afraid I may yet lose our bet...
I had far more planned for this post, but it got too long. And frankly, not enough people visit this to make me think I owe anything to my fans. Maybe if there were more of you, or if you guys sent me stuff, even if it's just e-mails.
Sunday, September 21, 2003
Consumerism : Would you like to buy Iraq? You can't own the land per se, but you can sign an exclusive 40 year contract. That's just like owning it. Except it doesn't look like you're just selling a country off to foreign investment. Oh, you HAVE to be foreign by the way. If you're an Iraqi, then you're not allowed to own anything in any sector except natural resources. Which has mostly been sold off already though.
They better put something in that about Iraq eventually regaining ownership of itself after infrastructure has been established. Otherwise it seems a bit off to me.
Friday, September 19, 2003
Antecedent : Being sick is crappy, I feel like throwing up most of the time. Not that I have. Parents don't think I'm sick, they sent me to class to sprawl on a desk and try and stay conscious. I love tasks of that manner.
Here's something I wrote in that class regarding the Russian revolution of 1905.
Russia - Bloody Sunday - 1905
The Foolish Optimist Petition
We the undersigned (starving illiterates) would like to request better living conditions. Contrary to common belief the majority is not fond of crushing poverty, lack of freedom, and ignorance. Please use the infinite resources available to you - because you're the leader, and leaders always have infinite resources; it's just a question of how generous a leader is, resource management never comes into play - to improve everything. We would enjoy if everyones lives were improved. Better tends to be better than bad, and bad tends to not be enjoyable. So please fix it.
Wouldn't it be nice if people were all educated? Oh wait, that reminds me of things that happen in that exact history class. People can't understand there may be differences from one history text to another. Obviously history is like math, unchanging. Also, one was complaining there were three textbooks, and someone told them there was only one. Obviously the someone was wrong, don't argue with the teacher about it.
We have near-illiterates in that class, they can't pull information out of something they read. They just remember random sentences out of it.
If you're all really good, and send a short e-mail to me requesting it, I will post a picture of a tiny peanut Lenin, and a slightly larger Stalin. I may even animate them to waltz together.
It's talk like a pirate day.
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Conformism : Apparently I need more links to useless or interesting things as content.
Otherwise people won't be interested, and they'll go somewhere else for use as a digital media repository.
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
Pox : I'm feeling sick today. Go somewhere else for your fix of cynical funny.
Bugger off! I'm not just here to entertain you, contrary to what you might believe.
Right, now that it's 1am I'm starting to feel better. So today I built an NES out of a broken NES with no AC adapter. I took the thing apart, cleaned all the non-electronic parts, and fixed the broken connections (including in the controllers). After assembling it I found an old charger that fit the AC back. I was kind of worried that the NES might not be 12v, and would fry if I plugged it in. Luckily for me, it is 12v so AC straight out of the wall worked fine.
I was slightly dissapointed, explosions are more fun than not explosions.
Monday, September 15, 2003
Conflict : So I found out an old internet buddy of mine is in fact a member of the American military today. I also discovered he is mobilized, currently in Germany. However he fought in Iraq. I figured this deserved a separate post. Although it may have been slightly invasive, I went about what was essentially an interview.
He wanted to remain anonymous, so his name has been changed, and some details have been left out.
Drevs says:
Are you mobilized?
Anonymous says:
Drevs says:
Anonymous says:
Drevs says:
Ah, what sort of involvement do you have with the war?
Anonymous says:
I just got back from Iraq
Drevs says:
How long were you in Iraq? What were things like when you were there?
Drevs says:
I'm pretty well looking for a first hand account, for the sake of comparing to what the media feeds us
Anonymous says:
4 months
Anonymous says:
Times was bad over there
Anonymous says:
The media actually makes it look better
Anonymous says:
Because a lot of things that go on, can't be announced as happened
Anonymous says:
Events gets changed
Drevs says:
What was the resistance like?
Anonymous says:
Well it was never really that bad
Anonymous says:
People shooting RPGs, grenades, and ak-47s
Anonymous says:
All their tanks was killed by our A-10 warthogs
Drevs says:
Did the people act like they say? First they rejoice, and quickly decide they don't like you either?
Anonymous says:
Well some loved us, but others didn't
Drevs says:
Were you frightened? Or were you certain you'd face little trouble as you advanced?
Anonymous says:
Was scared as hell...never knew who would shoot as us
Drevs says:
Did you get shot at a lot? Or was it rather uncommon?
Anonymous says:
Was away from puter
Anonymous says:
We was shot at quite often when we first got there
Anonymous says:
Then it calmed down some
Drevs says:
Any overall message you have for people? Or big thing you noticed?
Anonymous says:
Cherish everything like its your last day alive.
Anonymous says:
Never take anything for granted anymore.
I'll let you draw your own conclusions regarding what was said.
Penance : Today we have a special treat for all of you. I'm going to interview Ian Hardacre. The interview is being conducted in the library, and we can't speak. So this is an optimal medium.
Ian is a person I've known for some time that is more than none, but not forever. He absorbs quite a lot of abuse from me, yet I've never quite known why. I'm more than happy to help him with it though. Without further ado, something.
Drevs : Hello Ian. How are you today.
Ian: Well Drevs, I am in a large amount of pain at the moment.
Drevs : Are your crushed hopes and dreams the cause of this pain?
Ian: No, its my crushed HAND!
Drevs : Surely through no fault of my own.
Ian: It was entirely your fault.
Drevs : You deserved it.
Ian: You stepped on my hand when I tried to pick up my pencil!
Drevs : It was there for a good reason, I was sick of holding on to what I stole. So dropping it behind the desk was the obvious solution. Besides, you put your hands near my feet, what did you think would happen? I stand by that it was entirely your fault.
-Gareth interrupts and is reading over our collective shoulder, shut up Gareth.
Ian: Right I'm gonna go eat now.
Drevs : As shall I, truly it shall be glorious.
Wasn't that fun? In other news, Rebecca (Who I learned the name of today), the scary Goth chick called me "dreamy, and sexy"(which she actually does every time she sees me). She also proclaimed that she wanted to slap my ass (this however was new). Woodwork is going stupidly, I have to take a bunch of safety tests, even though I don't have to go to that class. For those of you who don't know why, I don't want to explain. I cut a deal with the school that gets them money, and I don't have to do that class. That's the gist of it.
The horror! My parental institution (dad) has arbitrated that I have to go to bed at 11pm all this week. To compensate I've set my alarm clock for 5am. This is brought on by me staying up till 2-3am each day. A few days ago he made me go at 11:30, and I did. I was sick the next day, and he decided I had fallen ill because I'd stayed up. I got grounded for being sick, and going to bed when he told me to. If doing what he says gets me in trouble anyway, I figure why bother? Might as well not do what he says in the first place.
In the past two days I've been called sexy by at least 8 people who hadn't called me sexy prior. I feel pretty sexy, and I'm rather suspicious of a conspiracy to inflate my ego even further.
Discovery : So I'm trying to figure this abominable css out, having never mucked with it before it's proving rather bothersome. The scroll bar styles won't stick, although it works in preview, and I can't get the actual blog thinner, so it fits within the confines of the site. I may end up scrapping this template and making my own.
By glorious means of trial and error, I can overcome any problem! Unless failure results in you not being able to try again, like with sky diving. I'm pretty sure messing up a css template doesn't leave you as a smear of what was once a person on someones windshield.
A very pissed off someone I might add.
Carrying on, I supposed I ought to post someting about what I've been up to? That's how it works right?
Well, today I went to the mall with a couple of my consume whore friends. We wandered around a bit, chatted, made merry, the usual. Very teen of us. One was shocked that I didn't finish my lunch, the noodles had congealed. I expained. All problems were solved.
Not a very fulfilling account? Well then, how about this... I went into a store (The Sunglass Hut) and walked up to the counter. The man behind it said "Can I help you?" in a very arrogant tone, so I shot him with my kinder suprise egg. I looked at him blankly, slowly raised the plastic core, squeezed, and fired half of it square at his face. He flailed and made blustered noises for a bit. When he was done, and noticed I hadn't fled, he looked at me confusedly. I did an about face, and calmly walked away.
I wonder if he called security? I think I'm only banned from that mall a couple times... Furthermore, I wonder how many times you have to be banned before they actually start kicking you out?
How very long winded that was. I really ought to be doing my Biology and History homework, you're a terrible influence on me. You really should stop tainting me with your ways.
-Addition - I just remembered another occurence. While we were in Spencers gifts, playing with gargantuan monster hands and forearms on sticks, a group of loud giddy girls, likely high on MDMA, walked by, and their leader (I'm assuming she was the queen of the hive because she was the loudest, talked the most, and was the most slathered in cosmetics) walked into me from behind and tried to grope me. She only managed to get a hand full of my leather jacket and light brushing. When she walked away, I waggled my finger side to side at her and made tsking noises. People who I don't know who grope me will never get to know me better.
Sunday, September 14, 2003
Conception : A new blog is born. Had it been the first there may have been rejoicing, or at the very least a smug creator. But I am but one of the masses who have created this for no purpose but personal indulgence. There is no rejoicing, there is no satisfaction at completing an arduous task. All this has earned is a pert nod, and a continuation with larger, more difficult parts of The Acronyc Project.
Those of you curious, The Acronyc Project will be a record of everything that is me. Kept for those who might be interested. Which I'm sure is not that many, but I digress, feel free to pour over this narcissistic archive in it's entirety. Hopefully it will occupy your idle mind for a bit longer than I spent making it.
And thus my first post is concluded.